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We invite you to discover an active, authentic faith through our biblically sound learning opportunities and meaningful missions experiences. If you are interested in beginning a WMU group, please contact Cathy Meyer CLICK HERE

MISSIONAL DISCIPLESHIP - Missions discipleship is for everyone— from preschoolers to adults. WMU provides resources for all ages designed to help you make disciples of Jesus who live on mission.

HISPANIC MISSIONAL DISCIPLESHIP - El discipulado misionero es basado en el mandato de Cristo Jesús a sus discípulos: “Toda potestad me es dada en el cielo y en la tierra. Por tanto, id, y haced discípulos a todas las naciones, bautizándolos en el nombre del Padre, y del Hijo, y del Espíritu Santo; enseñándoles que guarden todas las cosas que os he mandado; y he aquí yo estoy con vosotros todos los días, hasta el fin del mundo” (Mateo 28:18–20).

El discipulado misonero en la iglesia provee oportunidades para que todos participen en la obra misionera. Las iglesias que proveen el discipulado misonero animan a los miembros a que crezcan en su fe mientras aprenden sobre las misiones, oran por las misiones, apoyan las misiones y hacen la obra misionera.

COMPASSION MINISTRIES - WMU’s Compassion Ministries offer you the opportunity to directly help suffering people throughout the world.

Together we can:

  • Bring assistance to those who live in poverty

  • Offer hope to victims of human exploitation

  • Create a sense of belonging and safety for refugees

  • Provide relief to those in need of humanitarian aid

  • Support vulnerable children and the families that care for them

LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT - WMU’s Leadership Development resources offer you the opportunity to discover and develop your leadership gifts and skills. We provide resources to help you serve effectively as God calls you in life, the marketplace, and the church.

WORLDCRAFTS - Worldcrafts, a compassion ministry of national WMU, help provide the funding needed to pay our artisans a sustainable living wage, bring their products to the United States, and create opportunities to market them for sale. Through your purchases of Worldcraft items you are helping support our impoverished global partners, many who are completely dependent on WorldCrafts’ orders for their livelihood.

WMU FOUNDATION - Let us connect your passion & God’s mission. When you find your missions passion, you actively participate in the Great Commission and help expand God’s kingdom through your gift and investment. We offer ways you can be a part of the Great Commission through your giving and by supporting the ministries of national WMU. At the WMU Foundation, we value all of human life, and we support the missions and ministries of Baptists from all racial backgrounds.

Join Sandy Wisdom-Martin and guests for On the Journey Conversations! Listen to engaging conversations that will inspire you to go deeper in your Christian faith walk. This podcast is designed for women who want to develop a missional lifestyle…

Join Sandy Wisdom-Martin and guests for On the Journey Conversations! Listen to engaging conversations that will inspire you to go deeper in your Christian faith walk. This podcast is designed for women who want to develop a missional lifestyle. Learn more about this podcast from an interview with Sandy Wisdom-Martin, host of the On the Journey Conversations podcast.


On the Journey Conversations is available at Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Play. When you download the podcast, be sure to subscribe and leave us a review if option is available!

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